Hey Sis!
My name is Tahirah Ahshah [Tah-here-rah Uh-Shah]. It means "Pure Life" in Arabic.
I was born in Camden, New Jersey, but raised in the Hampton Roads area of Virginia. I am the only girl of six children. I am 28 years old, a wife, and a mom to three. My favorite hobbies are shopping, reading, traveling, and going to brunch with the girls.
I've always been obsessed with stationery! I would browse the stationery aisle at every store. I was known by my middle school teachers for color coding my agendas. I also keep I kept a diary as a little girl, and I still journal now as an adult.
But I really began planning in college. I became pregnant with my first son at the age of 19 during my sophomore year. I needed a system to help me stay organized as I navigated being a full-time student, a new mom, and working part-time. Eventually, I graduated on time with honors, married my high school sweetheart (you can guess that I planned my own wedding), secured a career in my field, and purchased my own home.
And that is why I created Pure Life Stationery. I wanted to help show women who look like me that with the right plan, they too can accomplish their goals, no matter how hectic life can get.
I pray that one of my products helps you create the life of your dreams!
xoxo, Tahirah